
The Climate Action Tracker estimates that under current policies, the world will exceed 1.5°C of warming around 2035, 2°C around 2053, and 3.2°C by the end of the century.

Peer-reviewed Papers
Specific sustainable development targets for health indicators are strongly correlated with electricity consumption levels in the poorest of countries.


Argentina has shown many positive developments in the climate space since 2015, but Argentina’s climate commitment in 2030 is not consistent with holding warming below 2°C, let alone limiting it to 1.5°C as required to achieve the Paris Agreement.

Annual Reports
Our Annual report looks back at how our work reflected and fed into the global priorities in 2018 in areas of advancing climate science around the 1.5°C limit in the Paris Agreement, global decarbonisation, international climate negotiations and implementing climate action in vulnerable countries.