

The Local Sea Level Rise shows projected SLR around the globe at different levels of warming

Working Papers

May 2020

The Local Sea Level Rise tool allows you to see how much sea levels are projected to rise around the globe at different levels of warming. The projections are available at the local level.

Local sea level rise

Working Papers

May 2020

Local sea level rise allows you to see how much sea levels are projected to rise around the globe at different levels of warming. The projections are available at the local level.

Impact of Burrup Hub on Western Australia’s Paris Agreement Carbon Budget


February 2020
Australia’s largest liquefied natural gas producer, Woodside, plans a regional hub on the Burrup Peninsula in Western Australia, which would enable it to develop trillions of cubic feet of gas over the next decades. This report outlines the implications of the emissions Burrup Hub would produce on Western Australia's ability to meet its climate targets.