This factsheet shows 2030 and 2035 greenhouse gas (GHG) emission reduction milestones for Indonesia to align with the Paris Agreement’s 1.5°C goal, both including and excluding land use, land-use change and forestry (LULUCF). These were produced using 1.5°C compatible global and regional emission pathways from the IPCC’s Sixth Assessment Report downscaled to the national level.

2030 and 2035 emissions targets (2015 as reference year)

Indonesia 1.5 aligned 2030 and 2035 emissions targets
1.5°C aligned net emissions pathway (including LULUCF)
1.5°C aligned net emissions pathway (including LULUCF)
1.5°C aligned gross emissions pathway (excluding LULUCF)
1.5°C aligned gross emissions pathway (excluding LULUCF)