Land management strategies to mitigate and adapt to climate change
Vrije Universiteit Brussel, PIK, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, Ludwig Maximilians Universität München, CICERO

Changes in land cover and land management that are driven by human activities (such as evolving agricultural or forestry practices) have a considerable effect on the global climate. However, these coupled effects receive limited consideration in land use decision processes due to uncertainties on the full implications for climate and ecosystem services, also due to a lack of dialogue between the relevant science and practice communities.
The goal of the LAMACLIMA project is to advance the scientific and public understanding of the coupled effects between land cover and land management and climate, and to inform the elaboration of sustainable land-based adaptation and mitigation measures. It will investigate the biogeophysical and biogeochemical effects of three key changes: re/afforestation, irrigation and wood harvest on climate, and their implications for several sectors (agriculture, water availability, biodiversity and economic productivity) as well as the resulting economic impacts.
This will allow for an analysis of their implications for both the mitigation and adaptation objectives of the Paris Agreement and the Sustainable Development Goals 2 (Zero Hunger), 6 (Clean Water and Sanitation), 8 (Decent Work and Economic Growth), 13 (Climate Action), and 15 (Life on Land).
The research outcomes will be synthesised into an open-access and user-friendly tool, allowing their appropriate dissemination to other researchers but also regional-level adaptation planners and development actors as well as international institutions, environmental organisations and relevant private actors during dedicated workshops and online collaboration. The tool will be an emulator, i.e. a simplified model displaying the interactions between land cover and land management, the climate system, food production, water scarcity and the economy uncovered by the LAMACLIMA research activities.
Continuous stakeholder engagement and knowledge brokerage will bridge the gap between scientists and stakeholders, thereby ensuring the usability of the emulator, and also fostering the co-design of future trajectories for land management as adaptation and mitigation measures that will complement the existing Shared Socio-economic Pathways. Stakeholders will be involved through a series of webinars and dedicated workshops that will also serve for the dissemination of the project results.
Climate Analytics is leading the LAMACLIMA project and is in charge of developing the emulator summarising the research findings of the consortium partners. Climate Analytics is also leading the stakeholder engagement efforts in the project, which are key to make the project findings useful to a broad audience.
The consortium otherwise includes experts on the interactions between land cover and land management and climate who will run a coordinated set of experiments with several Earth System models, economists who will integrate these results into a Computable General Equilibrium model and an agro-economic model. The project will complement on-going international research efforts such as the Coupled Model Intercomparison Project 6 (CMIP6).