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Climate action efforts that focus on so-called “short-lived climate forcers” (SLCF) such as black carbon will do little to keep global warming below 2˚C in the long term, says a new study published today in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.

If the US and China were to adopt global best practice in their domestic action on climate, together, the world’s largest emitters could close the 2020 emissions gap by 23%, according to new research. In their latest Climate Action Tracker update, research organisations Climate Analytics, Ecofys and the PIK Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research have compared the actions of both China and the US on climate change.

A rapid phase-out of coal as an electricity source by 2050 would reduce warming by half a degree, according to the Climate Action Tracker, in an update released today ahead of the Ban Ki-moon climate summit. The Climate Action Tracker, put together by research organisations Climate Analytics, Ecofys, and the PIK Potsdam Institute, has calculated that under current Government policies, the world is on track to warm by 3.7°C by 2100

All governments will have to significantly increase their action on climate change – both before 2020 and after, reducing total global greenhouse gas emissions to zero between 2060 and 2080, to keep warming to 2°C.