Insights and expert analysis on climate issues.

On 31 January and 1 February 2018, Climate Analytics and the Centre de Partenariat et d'Expertise pour le Développement Durable (CePED) organised a scientific workshop on vulnerability assessments in Cotonou, Benin. The workshop brought together over 30 scientists, practitioners and policy actors to discuss the practical organisation, timeline and methodological approach to assess vulnerability in the three nationally pre-identified sectors — agriculture, water and health.

Paris Agreement’s 1.5°C limit – a key SDG enabler
Dr Carl-Friedrich Schleussner

Preparing for the Suva Expert Dialogue – getting Loss and Damage right
Dr Olivia Serdeczny

Loss and Damage at COP23 – goals, roadblocks and detours
Dr Olivia Serdeczny

Presenting a disaster as an ‘opportunity’ is clearly a sensitive and emotive issue. But when will there be a better opportunity to relocate essential services away from high risk areas than when they need rebuilding?

A year of climate extremes: a case for Loss & Damage at COP23
Bill Hare, Dr Carl-Friedrich Schleussner, Dr Olivia Serdeczny, Dr Fahad Saeed
Climate extremes, many now bearing human fingerprints, are already causing devastating impacts across the globe, and the time is high for Loss and Damage to be considered in concrete and actionable terms in the implementation of the Paris Agreement. But what are the next steps to really move this issue forward, and in particular what needs to be done at the first “Islands COP” in Bonn?