Insights and expert analysis on climate issues.
En route to Katowice: Negotiators from Least Developed Countries prepare for COP24
Manjeet Dhakal, Dr Fahad Saeed
Good news! Loss & damage in the IPCC Special Report on 1.5°C
Dr Olivia Serdeczny
Loss and damage in the Paris Agreement rule book – state of play
Dr Olivia Serdeczny
In Bangkok, building on consistent calls at negotiation sessions since Paris in December 2015, many developing countries argued that loss and damage should be systematically considered in this context. How did that go?
Hot, dry or flooded — more weather extremes beyond 1.5°C warming
Dr Carl-Friedrich Schleussner, Dr Fahad Saeed
This blog gives an overview of the most important recent studies on climate impacts and extreme events. Much of it will be synthesised in the IPCC special report on 1.5˚C, due out in October, which will be a key document for setting the course of climate policy at a global level.
Stayin' alive: heatwave makes searing case for 1.5°C
Dr Fahad Saeed, Dr Robert Brecha, Dr Carl-Friedrich Schleussner
This year’s extreme summer, still scorching central and northern Europe, is a stark illustration of the kind of climate change impacts we could see if nothing is done to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Heat waves, droughts and other extremes will only increase in severity and frequency as the Earth continues to warm. Limiting warming to 1.5°C, as governments around the world pledged by signing the Paris Agreement, can help avoid the worst impacts of climate change.