Climate Analytics at COP27
6 Nov 2022 - 18 Nov 2022 | |
09:00 - 18:00 | |
Egypt |

Climate Analytics at COP27
The state of climate action 1 year after the Glasgow Climate Pact
Location: Italian Pavilion
Date: Tuesday 8 November
Time: 14:30pm – 15:30pm EET
As part of the Glasgow Climate Pact, governments agreed to revisit and strengthen their 2030 climate targets. In this side event, the Climate Action Tracker will give an overview of government NDC progress. The Climate Action Tracker tracks government climate targets and action in around 40 countries and analyses what this means for end of century warming.
A Climate Action Tracker event.
Showcasing Nepal’s NDC Implementation Plan
Location: NDC Pavilion
Date: Thursday 10 November
Time: 11:00am – 12:00pm EET
The Government of Nepal has developed its NDC Implementation Plan (2022) through the leadership of the Ministry of Forests and Environment in close collaboration with line Ministries, and with support from the NDC Partnership and various development partners. The plan features action plans of the energy generation, clean cooking, and transport; agriculture, forestry, and other land use; waste and sanitation; industrial processes and product use; urban settlements; tourism; gender equality and social inclusion; and governance sectors. The plan also includes details on the costs, timeline, Measurement Reporting and Verification (MRV) indicators, governance mechanisms, financing measures, capacity building, progress tracking, and risk mitigation measures.
This event is organized by the Government of Nepal’s, Ministry of Forests and Environment with support from the NDC Partnership and co-organizers UNDP Nepal, Climate Analytics, Oxford Policy Management Nepal, and WWF Nepal to present its NDC Implementation Plan plan to international finance institutions, and conduct a panel discussion and Q&A. It will include an International Press Briefing led by the Secretary, Ministry of Forests and Environment with support from line Ministries and co-organizers.
With UNDP, OPMN, and WWF.
State of Climate Action launch event
Location: We Mean Business Pavilion
Date: Wednesday 9 November
Time: 09:00am EET
This event will focus on what is needed to deliver climate action across key systems, highlighting both the current state of play and where we need to be by 2030.
Climate Resilience – Ensuring equity and justice for poor in urban development
Location: Amon side event room
Date: Monday 14 November
Time: 15:00pm—16:30pm
Urban poor in South Asia are facing loss and damage due to impacts of climate change, largely because of limited financial and technological capacities of the countries to build climate resilient infrastructure. The event will push the agenda of equity in financing inclusive urban development.
Hosted by Climate Action Network South Asia, Clean Energy Nepal and Shariatpur Development Society.
Speakers: Mr. Sanjay Vashist (CANSA), Ms. Jyoti Awasthi (Laxmi), Ms. Almuth Schauber (Misereor), Dr. Abid Suleri (SDPI), Ms. Rabeya Begum (SDS), Mr. Manu Gupta (SEEDS) and Mr. Manjeet Dhakal (Climate Analytics).
From commitments to action: the recommendations of the UN Secretary-General HLEG on Net-Zero Emissions Commitments of Non-State Actors
Location: Spanish Pavilion
Date: Wednesday 9 November
Time: 4:30pm – 6:00pm EET
United Nations Secretary-General António Guterres established a High-Level Expert Group on the Net-Zero Emissions Commitments of Non-State Entities on 31 March 2022. Their mandate was to develop stronger and clearer standards for net-zero emissions pledges by non-State entities – including businesses, investors, cities and regions – and speed up their implementation. This side-event is priviledged to count with the Chair and five members of the group who will present and explain the conclusions and recommendations of the report delivered to the UN Secretary General.
Speakers: Catherine Mckenna, Canada’s former Minister of Environment and Climate Change, Janine Felson, University of Melbourne, Bill Hare, Climate Analytics, Jessica Omukuti, Oxford University, Günther Thallinger, Allianz Group (All speakers are members of the UN SG High Level Expert Group on Net Zero Pledges).
Climate Action Tracker press conference
Location: Press conference room
Date: Thursday 10 November
Time: 10:00am EET
The Climate Action Tracker will release an update of how climate action is progressing against the Paris Agreement goals.
Slow Onset, Irreversible Events Beyond Adaptation: Global Stocktake, Implementation and 1.5°C Ambition
Location: Memphis (300)
Date: Saturday 12 November
Time: 18:30pm – 20:00pm EET
Every increment of warming increases climate risks and impacts. Strong and immediate action in line with the 1.5°C goal would halve warming in the 2030s and stop it in the 2050s, reduce the expected loss and damage over the next 20 years and prevent the most severe climate impacts.
But we are not where we need to be. Current 2030 targets would lead to 2.4°C warming at the end of the century. If we don’t act now, climate impacts and risks will increase over the next 20 years and warming continue past 2050. Higher global temperature and linked impacts will put a huge strain on our ability to adapt to climate change and lead to ever more loss and damage. The impacts are particularly dramatic in the most vulnerable countries such as the small island developing states and least developed countries.
This event will put the latest IPCC science in the policy context of national and sectoral decarbonisation, showcasing the benefits of early action-and risks of delay.
Hosted by International Cryosphere Climate Initiative, Climate Analytics, Climate Central, Climate Policy Centre, Karuna Foundation, Scientific Committee on Antarctic Research.
Paris-compatible sector benchmarks to help in defining national and corporate climate action
Location: We Mean Business pavilion
Date: Monday 14 November
Time: 15:00pm – 16:00pm EET
The event presents and discusses the results of multiple years of work to develop and update Paris-compatible sectoral benchmarks. Sectoral benchmarks break down the mitigation objectives under the Paris Agreement to the sectoral level and hence make them more accessible to a broader audience. Those benchmarks aim at helping decision makers to assess if recent developments and future targets of countries, as well as non-state and subnational actors, are compatible with the Paris Agreement’s long-term temperature limit. Beyond providing the benchmark, they also enlighten on the road to achieve Paris compatibility by highlighting policies and other underlying drivers needed.
A Climate Action Tracker event.
Speakers: Claire Fyson, Climate Analytics, Silke Mooldijk, New Climate Institute
Italy’s emissions pathways to 1.5°C
Location: Italian pavilion
Date: Monday 14 November
Time: 18:00pm – 20:00pm EET
This event will explore 1.5°C national pathways for Italy, as presented on the 1.5°C national pathway explorer, in discussion with key Italian experts. We will step through the emissions reductions needed at the national level, and the actions needed to achieve them.
With ECCO.
Speakers: Claire Fyson, Climate Analytics, Emanuele Peschi, Italian Institute for Environmental Protection and Research, Marinella Davide, Centro Euro-mediterraneo Sui Cambiamenti Climatic, moderated by Chiara Di Mambro, ECCO.
Climate Justice for The Caribbean: Climate Analytics Caribbean, Raising the Bar for Regional Resilience
Location: Caribbean Community Climate Change Centre (CCCCC) Pavilion
Date: Tuesday 15 November
Time: 13:30pm – 14:30pm EET
Climate justice is imperative to building capacity and resilience, especially in the context of vulnerable regions such as the Caribbean region. This event will highlight the groundbreaking work of the recently launched Climate Analytics Caribbean as we pursue sustainable development for our region, driven by climate justice. With the implementation of the Paris Agreement at the core of our work, Climate Analytics Caribbean empowers Small Islands Developing States, utilising the global stocktake to advance better understanding of climate justice and just transition.
The audience will learn about a regional vision for climate justice as presented by some of the foremost island champions of climate action, as well as how Climate Analytics Caribbean is supporting the region by fighting the climate crisis and implementing the Paris Agreement, to ensure no citizen is left behind.
Speakers: Dr. Carla Barnett, Secretary General of the Caribbean Community (CARICOM), Bill Hare, CEO, Climate Analytics, Rueanna Haynes, Director, Climate Analytics Caribbean, Carlon Mendoza, Climate Policy Advisor – Climate Justice, Climate Analytics Caribbean, Marli Klass, Research Assistant, Open Societies Foundation, Moderated by Bianca Beddoe, Communications Advisor, Climate Analytics Caribbean and Chealief Lee Wing, Project Manager, Climate Analytics Caribbean.
Co-development of tailored climate services for multiple socio-economic sectors and stakeholders in Sub-Saharan Africa
Location: Science pavilion
Date: Monday 14 November
Time: 13:00pm – 14:00pm EET
Speaking: Winnie Khaemba
Climate services for adaptation in Sub-saharan Africa
Location: EU Pavilion
Date: Wednesday 16 November
Time: 09:30am – 10:30am EET
This event features key findings and outputs from three European Union Horizon 2020-funded projects: DOWN2EARTH, CONFER, and FOCUS-Africa, working closely to understand user climate service needs, improve forecasting skill, develop models that downscale climate forecasts and projections into useful information for decision making, and ensure the long-term sustainability of these tailored climate services through novel co-production methods and understanding of socioeconomic benefits.
Speakers: Sebastian Grey, World Meteorological Organization, Nicolas Bellet, IGAD Climate Prediction and Applications Centre (ICPAC), Winnie Khaemba, Climate Analytics, Michael Singer, Cardiff University, Lucy Mtilatila, Malawi Department of Climate Change and Meteorological Services.
Preparing for implementation of the ETF: Sharing LDCs experience
Location: Capacity-building Hub (Rm 12)
Date: Thursday 17 November
Time: 11:15am – 12:15pm EET
The LDC Universities Consortium for Climate Change (LUCCC) is a South-South, long-term capacity-building programme initiated by Universities from the LDCs to exchange knowledge on climate change, primarily through training and research to serve the LDCs by providing support by mobilizing its pool of experts and academia. The aim of the consortium is to help national agencies to effectively implement climate change actions and initiatives through building capacity and partnership.
In this context, this event will bring together cases from three LDCs to share a wide range of experience on building capacity of domestic stakeholders and supporting national agencies in implementing the provisions related to enhanced transparency framework under the Paris Agreement. The event will be structured to allow free flow discussion followed by the presentations from the front runner LDCs who are leading the capacity building and implementation of transparency provision under the climate change process by involving local universities and domestic experts.
Hosted by the Least Developed Countries Universities Consortium for Climate Change
Presentations: Role of the academia in implementation of the ETF, Manjeet Dhakal (Nepal), Institutionalising National Climate Reporting, Yamikani Idriss (Malawi), The journey in the development of robust MRV system, Bentinck Firdissa (Ethiopia).
Public Launch of Recommendations event: High-Level Expert Group on the Net-Zero Emissions Commitments of Non-State Entities
Location: Action room 1, Global Action Rooms, Blue Zone
Date: Tuesday 8 November
Time: 15:30pm – 16:30pm EET
Speakers: The Secretary-General will chair this event where the Chair of the Group, Ms. McKenna, along with all its members, will present and discuss the main recommendations.
Sectoral climate clubs to trigger industrial transformation
Location: Akhenaten room
Date: Thursday 10 November
Time: 15:00pm-16:30pm EET
Achieving climate neutrality globally requires policies that deliberately create transformational change – in and across sectors. Basic materials processing industries face the challenge of having to change to reduce their significant emissions, while confronting a highly competitive environment.
The side event discusses how an intergovernmental industry sectoral alliance could potentially help overcome these challenges and what would be its main strategies. It brings together insights from analysis being done under the EU-funded research projects NDC Aspects and 4i-TRACTION – and connects it to perspectives by practitioners from different continents.
Speakers: Andrzej Ancygier, Climate Analytics, Lukas Hermwille, Wuppertal Institute, Sven Teske, University of Technology, Sydney, Marlene Arens, HeidelbergCement Group, Asa Ekdahl, World Steel Association, Gökçe Mete, Head of Secretariat, LeadIT, Duke Benjamin, Head, GIZ Nigeria energy and climate programme, moderated by Stefan Lechtenböhmer.
Less Division, More Ambition: High-Level Dialogue on Loss and Damage in Small Island Developing States
Location: UAE Pavilion
Date: Tuesday 8 November
Time: 12:00pm – 13:00pm EET
This event will focus on the impacts of loss and damage on SIDS, the state of play regarding resourcing loss and damage and take into account the Multi-dimensional Vulnerability Index for SIDS currently being developed. It will be a frank discussion on both challenges and opportunities to continue building momentum to ensure that the international community concretely supports the needs of SIDS on loss and damage.
Speakers: H.E. Gaston Browne, Prime Minister of Antigua and Barbuda, Chair of AOSIS, Rabab Fatima, High Representative for the Least Developed Countries, Landlocked Developing Countries and Small Island Developing States, UN-OHRLLS, H.E. Janine Felson, Ambassador, Belize, H.E. Fiame Naomi Mata’afa, Prime Minister of Samoa, H.E. Jennifer Lee Morgan, State Secretary and Special Envoy for International Climate Action, Germany, Mr. Simon Stiell, Executive Secretary, UNFCCC, UAE Champion (TBD).
From Politics to the Private Sector: Building Bridges in the Fight Against Climate Change – One young world
Location: The EXTREME Hangout, Park Regency Hotel, Sharm El-Sheikh, Egypt
Date: Thursday 10 November
Time: 13:00pm-15:00pm EET
Cross-sector partnerships allow for greater scaling, information and expertise sharing, and amplification of impact. In the fight against climate change, no one organisation, company, or sector can hope to single handedly end this crisis. Meaningful climate strategies must look to draw on the talents of all sectors and industries. In this session, learn more about how to build cross-sectoral cooperation and, crucially, how these types of partnerships can help tackle the climate crisis.
Speakers: Mavis Mainu, Shorouq Aburazzouq, Anna Stanley-Radière, Former President of Colombia, President Ivan Duque (Moderator)
Climate Vulnerability Monitor, 3rd Edition: A planet on fire
Location: CVF Pavilion
Date: Thursday 10 November
Time: 13:00pm – 14:00pm EET
A planet on fire is the product of a multi-year research program involving a multi-organization science consortium led by the Global Center on Adaptation, Climate Analytics, the Lancet Countdown and finres, as well as 14 regional partner organizations.
The CVM3 presents an a unique global assessment of the climate change loss and damage
entirely updated for consistency with the IPCC’s AR6 assessment report, with estimated,
climate-attributable data for the world presented across three distinct bodies of work
(biophysical, health, and economic) comprising, in all, 32 individual climate impact indicators
for the time periods of 2030, 2050 and 2090. The event aims to present the key findings of the report.
Speakers: HE Ken Ofori-Atta, Hon. Finance Minister of Ghana and the V20 Chair, Dr. Prof. George Gyan-Baffour, Senior Technical Advisor to the Minister, Ministry of Finance and Economic Planning of the Republic of Ghana, Dr Tabea Lissner, Head of Adaptation and Vulnerability for Climate Analytics, Dr Marina Romanello, University College London and Executive Director for Lancet Countdown on Health and Climate Change, Florent Baarsch, Founder and CEO for finres, moderated by Matthew McKinnon, CVF/V20 Program Head, GCA.
Senegal’s 2050 Long-term Strategy Development
Location: Senegal pavilion
Date: Friday 11 November
Time: 17:00pm-18:00pm
The Glasgow climate pact encourages all countries to come forward with their long-term low emission development strategy. The government of Senegal has also started its endeavour to develop their own.
They are being supported in this effort by AFD’s 2050 Facility to integrate low-carbon and resilience climate goals into their policies and develop appropriate trajectories as part of the DDP initiative. The government is also receiving support to develop a long-term vision complementing the above efforts under Germany’s IKI initiative.
This session aims to discuss this ongoing work and the ways to support Senegal to further advance and realise its climate commitments under the long-term low emission and climate resilient development strategy.
Please note this event will be in French
Speakers: Madeleine Diouf SARR, Head of the Climate Change Division in Senegal’s Ministry of Environment and Sustainable Development (MEDD), Samba Fall, Climate and systemic transition manager, ENDA Energie, Manjeet Dhakal, Head of LDC Support Team and Director, Climate Analytics South Asia Office, Moderator: Richard Baron, Executive Director of the 2050 Pathways Platform
Panel: Serge Perrin, Coordinator 2050 Facility, AFD, Henri Waisman, Coordinator, Deep Decarbonization Pathways Project, IDDRI, Arona Soumare, Principal Climate Change and Green Growth Officer, AfDB
Policy Developments for Carbon Dioxide Removal – Experiences from Research and Practice
Location: Room 9, Tutankhamun
Date: Saturday 12 November
Time: 15:00pm-16:30pm
The panel of researchers, government representatives, and practitioners will share research and practical experiences for land-based and technological removal methods: Inputs span findings from ethics research, stakeholder engagements, governance principles, and policy piloting including Article 6.
Hosted by the Government of Iceland and University of Freiburg
Speakers: Ms. Helga Barðadóttir, Iceland, Ms. Claire Fyson, Climate Analytics, Mr. Matthias Honegger, Perspectives Climate Research, Mr. Axel Michaelowa, Perspectives Climate Research, Mr. Christoph Beuttler, Chief Climate Policy Manager, Climeworks, Ms. Edda Aradóttir, CEO, Carbfix.
Irreversible Impacts of 1.5°C Overshooting on the Cryosphere
Location: Cryosphere Pavilion
Date: Friday 18 November
Time: 11:30am – 12:30pm EET
Irreversible impacts and changes in the cryosphere are already visible today due to increasing global warming. Crossing thresholds in the cryosphere has far-reaching impacts across the world. With countries falling short of the necessary climate action to fulfill the Paris Agreement, the risk of overshooting the 1.5°C temperature goal increases. In this side event we present the latest science showing that limiting warming to 1.5°C without overshoot is critical to avoid crossing the most catastrophic thresholds.
Event co-organized by ICCI, the University of Innsbruck, Climate Analytics and the EU H2020 project PROVIDE
Speakers: Dr. Fahad Saeed, Uta Klönne, Dr Fabien Maussion