Firza Riany

Data and land use analyst

Climate Policy Analysis

Firza’s work at Climate Analytics is focused on land use transitions in sustainable mitigation pathways, analysing the potential for countries’ land use sectors to act as carbon sinks or sources, and to evaluate NDC ambitions.

Firza has a keen interest in applying data science to understand the land-based processes as a response to environmental change. Previously, she worked at INRAe France, modelling plant’s genetic resistance to the climate change impacts. She also worked with the scientists in AgroParisTech to develop EASYFORCLIM, a climate model that explores the growth and economic potential of temperate forest trees in different scenarios of a Representative Concentration Pathway (RCP).

Firza attended the Erasmus Mundus Joint Masters Degree Programme in European forestry. She has a double master’s degrees from University of Eastern Finland and AgroParisTech (France) with a specialty in forest and agricultural science. During her studies, she participated in international meetings and conferences related to climate science.