

Climate change risks for African agriculture

Peer-reviewed Papers

January 2011

Despite large uncertainty, there are several robust conclusions from published literature for policy makers and research agendas: agriculture everywhere in Africa runs some risk to be negatively affected by climate change; existing cropping systems and infrastructure will have to change to meet future demand.

Discrepancies in historical emissions point to a wider 2020 gap between 2 °C benchmarks and aggregated national mitigation pledges

Peer-reviewed Papers

January 2011

Aggregations of greenhouse gas mitigation pledges by countries are frequently used to indicate whether resulting global emissions in 2020 will be 'on track' to limit global temperature increase to below specific warming levels such as 1.5 or 2 °C. We find that historical emission levels aggregated from data that are officially reported by countries to the UNFCCC are lower than independent global emission estimates, such as the IPCC SRES scenarios.

Assessment of progress made on fast-start finance commitments


October 2010

By simply summing up their communicated numbers, developed country Parties so far meet their collective commitment of USD 30 billion for the period 2010-2012. This result however is distorted as countries discretionally decide which funding is eligible to be counted as fast-start finance (FSF). Clarification on the notion of additionality will be needed to assess what is really delivered as fast-start finance.