

The EU long-term strategy to reduce GHG emissions in light of the Paris Agreement and the IPCC SR1.5


December 2018

In this paper we discuss how the European Commission’s relabelling of the former “hold-below-2°C” pathways associated with the 2010 Cancun Agreements as the Paris Agreement temperature goal – “hold warming well-below 2°C, limit to 1.5°C ” is not correct. By design, the Paris long-term temperature goal is a strengthening of the former 2°C goal.

Evaluating Australia's climate policy action


December 2018
With the Australian Conservation Foundation, Climate Analytics has been analysing Australia's emissions profile and policies. We have created some graphic factsheets that illustrate where Australia is compared with other countries, and clearly show how far behind Australia is compared to other major economies in terms of emissions and policies.