
Peer-reviewed Papers
This article tests fairness justifications offered in 168 nationally determined contributions to the 2015 Paris Agreement against the touchstone of principles of international environmental law and finds some justify their contributions on the basis of indicators not backed by such principles.

The new IPCC report has reinforced the absolute urgency of closing the 2030 emissions gap, but even countries with strong targets are mostly not on track to meet them, while more have failed to bring forward stronger commitments for 2030.

Peer-reviewed Papers

Peer-reviewed Papers
The impacts of climate change on the food system are a key concern for societies and policy makers globally. But crop growth is not the only factor that matters for the food production. Climate impacts on the labour force through increased heat stress also need to be considered.

In this brief, we explore the direct employment impacts of a coal-to-renewable transition in South Korea in line with a Paris compatible coal phase-out before 2030. We compare this with the projected outcomes under current policies.

Peer-reviewed Papers
Although effects on labour is one of the most tangible and attributable climate impact, our quantification of these effects is insufficient and based on weak methodologies. This study uses a new method to improve estimates of the effects of climate change on labour effectiveness.