Weak GST text fundamentally puts 1.5°C out of reach
Bill Hare, CEO, reacts to the new draft of the Global Stocktake text at COP28 on Monday evening.

Climate Analytics CEO Bill Hare says: "The new GST text fundamentally puts 1.5°C out of reach.
The language is riddled with holes and statements that haven’t to date been articulated as country positions. Every single thing you could think of that the fossil fuel industry would want is in there, begging the question: who holds the pen?
The energy package is extremely weak “could include, inter alia” - means everything is optional. Any mention of deadlines have been watered down along with the removal of the words ‘phase out’. The coal language is actually a step backwards from the text in the Glasgow Climate Pact. The reference to production and consumption of fossil fuels is completely open in terms of timeframe and allows this to be done essentially with offsets.
The use of ‘unabated’ clearly allows new fossil infrastructure to be built, against the advice of the IEA and others. There also seems to be a cherry picking of technologies like CCUS and low carbon hydrogen - opening the way for blue hydrogen made with natural gas.
And the resolve to peak global emissions before 2025 has also been lost from earlier versions of the text.
Critically there is also nothing on how the GST will act to close the 2030 emissions gap.
This text is a mess and it is pushing false solutions, endangering us all."