Climate Analytics supports the Black Lives Matter movement

The recent instances of racism and police brutality, in particular the killing of George P. Floyd, followed by a wave of protests in the US, bring into sharp focus the injustices Black people are subjected to in their everyday lives. We all know that this tragedy is but a symptom of the on-going systemic racism in the USA, that has had tragic consequences for centuries.
The Black Lives Matter Movement has brought people out on the streets all over the world in solidarity with the movement to end systemic racism everywhere. While the Black Lives Matter movement is currently largely focused on injustices in the USA, racism affects Black people and people of colour globally, who have suffered – and continue to suffer from systemic racism.
Climate Analytics is an international organisation focused on climate change. We promote the crucial role of science and analysis in supporting those most vulnerable to climate change impacts in the push for change, the majority of whom are people of colour.
We are acutely aware of the links between racism and vulnerability to climate change impacts, and are bound to acting on this knowledge in addressing climate change – from the commitment to inclusion and diversity in our own organisation, to fostering contributions from Black scientists, analysts and practitioners, and ensuring meaningful participation in developing appropriate solutions to the climate crisis.
Black Lives Matter: the link between climate change and racial justice by Adelle Thomas and Rueanna Haynes