Climate Analytics statement on the Russian invasion of Ukraine

Bill Hare, CEO of Climate Analytics:
“Climate Analytics deplores the unprovoked, barbaric and completely unjustified military invasion of Ukraine by the Russian Federation.
We have watched in shock, horror and disbelief at the events that have unfolded over the last week.
Founded, and with our headquarters in Berlin Germany in the heart of Europe, we have always seen Ukraine as part of the European family.
We have many friends and staff who have family in Ukraine. We are feeling the pain, and many cannot hold back the tears.
We have worked with Ukrainian government officials and scientists on climate policy and international climate assessments over the years. We have always been impressed by their knowledge, expertise and commitment to international cooperation.
Many of us know first-hand the beautiful city of Kyiv. Words fail to describe our emotions and feelings as we watch Kyiv and other Ukrainian cities bombed and destroyed, events which I’m sure we were not alone in believing should be forever in Europe’s past.
Climate Analytics has worked since its inception to build a global agreement on climate change action, which is predicated on peaceful, respectful and human cooperation amongst all countries on one of the world’s biggest problems.
We will not lose faith in this ambition, which we know the Ukrainian government fully shares.
We agree very much with the personal views of a Ukrainian delegate at the recent IPCC meeting that climate change and this war share a common root cause, fossil fuels. Ending the fossil age as soon as possible will not “just” tackle climate change. It is also one of the most important contributions to peace-building in the 21st century.
Climate Analytics stands with the Ukrainian people and all those people in the Russian Federation who oppose this horrible, barbaric and criminal war.”