
India and China ‘on track to exceed Paris climate pledges’
May 2017

Climate Home

Cancellations of coal plants mean the world’s two largest countries are cutting emissions faster than predicted a year ago, the changes exceeding the effect of US policy rollbacks. Dr Bill Hare, CEO of Climate Analytics, said the changes in China and India “if continued and accelerated” meant it would be possible to stop the world warming more than 1.5C – the most ambitious goal of the Paris agreement and one seen as essential to saving coral reefs and low lying island nations.
Trump may not be able to halt the world’s climate progress — thanks to China and India
May 2017

The Washington Post

China and India “are going to slow the global growth in CO2 emissions significantly, the United States’ actions under President Trump will offset that a bit, but not sufficient to actually stop that slowing of the global growth of emissions,” said Bill Hare, CEO of Climate Analytics and a senior scientist with the organization, at a Monday news conference to introduce the new findings.
Limiting warming to 1.5C has clear benefits for Australia, study says
May 2017

Carbon Brief

Global temperature rise of 2°C could see Australia hit by heat extremes similar to the “angry summer” of 2012-13 in almost four out of every five years, a new study says. The risk is still sizeable at 1.5°C of warming, but it lowers to less than three out of every five years. “The impacts of heatwaves in Australia are already very substantial to date and ocean warming has just led to the biggest coral bleaching event at the Great Barrier Reef," commented Climate Analytics' physicist Dr Carl-Friedrich Schleussner. He added that the paper "illustrates the substantial benefits of limiting warming to 1.5°C for Australia, a country with currently inadequate climate policies to even limit warming to 2°C.”
Climate change taking big bite out of alpine glaciers
April 2017

Deutsche Welle

Across the Alps, glaciers have lost half their volume since 1900. And there is no letting up: Melting has accelerated since 1980. Most Alpine glaciers will be gone by the end of this century, scientists say. There is already enough heat-trapping pollution in the air to melt nearly all the ice, even if greenhouse gas emissions are cut to zero immediately, said climate physicist Carl-Friedrich Schleussner, who works as a scientific advisor for the NGO Climate Analytics.
IMPACT launched in Caribbean
April 2017

Jamaica Observer

The Caribbean Community Climate Change Centre (CCCCC) is wrapping up a regional climate change workshop at the Knutsford Court Hotel in Kingston today, which marks the launch of a four-year project in the Caribbean that will support Small Island Developing States (SIDS) and Least Developed Countries (LDCs) around the world. It’s called IMPACT, and is being implemented by Climate Analytics.
China, EU reaffirm climate pledges after Trump backs away
March 2017


Nations led by China and the European Union rallied around a global plan to slow climate change on Wednesday after U.S. President Donald Trump began undoing Obama-era plans for deep cuts in U.S. greenhouse gas emissions. U.S. greenhouse gas emissions fell 11 percent from 2005-15. Bill Hare, head of the Climate Analytics think-tank, said they may remain at current levels by 2030 with Trump's policies.
Pakistan’s passes climate change act, experts remain sceptical
March 2017

The Third Pole

Pakistan has joined the ranks of a handful of countries that have passed climate legislation. Climate Analytics' Dr Fahad Saeed says the bill must be backed by the right information and stresses the need to strengthen Pakistan's scientific research input.
EU braucht Kohleausstieg bis 2031 für Klimaziele
February 2017

Deutsche Welle

Um die Pariser Klimaziele zu erreichen, müssten laut einer Studie bis 2031 alle Kohlekraftwerke in der EU stillgelegt werden. Erstmalig entwickelten Forscher für alle Kraftwerke in der EU einen Ausstiegsplan.