
Insights and expert analysis on climate issues.

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Nepalese farmer with her solar irrigation pump. ©Photo credit: Nabin Baral / IWM (CC BY-NC 2.0 DEED)
February 2021
Last year, a number of low-income, climate vulnerable countries stepped up their Paris Agreement commitments, known as Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs). These nations recognise that leapfrogging to climate-friendly development models would not only help save the planet and reduce risks posed by global warming, but that it also presents unique opportunities for social and economic progress. However, unlocking the full mitigation potential of these ambitious developing countries hinges on wealthy nations delivering on their climate finance promises.
Participants at Antigua and Barbuda's Fourth National Communication Mitigation Workshop 14 Aug 2020
October 2020
Despite the compounding challenges posed by the coronavirus pandemic, its economic fallout and a slew of tropical storms, small island nations still prioritise fighting the existential threat of climate change. They are pressing on with strengthening their climate commitments under the Paris Agreement, which governments are expected to communicate by the end of 2020.