What does the 1.5°C goal require from EU climate policy? An assessment from 4I TRACTION
24 Oct 2022 | |
11:00 - 12:00 | |
Online webinar |
The webinar, co-hosted by Climate Analytics and Ecologic Institute under the 4i-TRACTION project, will present findings and recommendations for how the EU27 can transform its economy to fulfil the Paris Agreement 1.5°C goal.
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The webinar, co-hosted by Climate Analytics and Ecologic Institute under the 4i-TRACTION project, will present findings and recommendations for how the EU27 can transform its economy to fulfil the Paris Agreement 1.5°C goal.
Our findings are based on a quantitative analysis of the latest evidence assessed by the IPCC, which were recently published in a series of reports and policy briefs (available on www.4i-traction.eu). Climate Analytics’ Neil Grant and Tina Aboumahboub will present key messages of their scenario assessment. Wendel Trio (independent expert) and Elisabeth Cremona (Ember) will provide some remarks on the study’s results. The webinar will be moderated by Matthias Duwe, Ecologic Institute.