Putting the 1.5°C limit into sustainable practice: avoided impacts, benefits, energy transformation

18 May 2016
15:00 - 16:30
UNFCCC Climate Change Conference, World Conference Centre Room Bonn I/II (89)
In light of the inclusion of the 1.5°C limit in the Paris Agreement, this UNFCCC side event looks at the avoided impacts and feasibility of holding warming below 1.5°C, the consequences for energy systems and the benefits of boosting pre-2025/2030 action.

Putting the 1.5°C limit into sustainable practice: avoided impacts, benefits, energy transformation

This side event at the UNFCCC climate change conference in Bonn was presented by CARE International, CAN International, the Climate Vulnerable Forum and Climate Analytics.

Click on the links below to download the presentations.


1.5°C: Avoided impacts and social and economic benefits: state of science
Dr. Michiel Schaeffer, Climate Analytics

The 1.5°C temperature limit in the Paris Agreement and implications for energy transformation
Dr. h. c. Bill Hare, Climate Analytics

Climate Action Tracker: assessment of INDCs and implications for the 1.5°C limit
Jasmin Cantzler, Climate Analytics

Towards 100% RE and climate resilience: civil society calls for 1.5°C
Wael Hmaidan, CAN International

Survive and Thrive: Vulnerable Countries’ agenda to make 1.5°C reality
Philippines Climate Change Minister, Secretary Emmanuel de Guzman, Office of the President, Climate Vulnerable Forum

UNFCCC Climate Change Conference, World Conference Centre
Room Bonn I/II (89)

Sven Harmeling, CARE International