Climate Analytics at COP25
2 Dec 2019 - 13 Dec 2019 | |
09:00 - 20:00 | |
IFEMA Madrid, Spain |

Climate Analytics at COP25
Monday 2 December, 13:30 – 14:30 at the NDC Partnerships Pavilion
“Ambition and action: 1.5°C compatible NDCs by 2020”
Under the Paris Agreement, governments agreed to submit new, more ambitious national emission reduction pledges (NDCs) every five years as part of a continued effort to limit warming to 1.5°C. The current NDCs put the world on a path to 3°C warming, double the agreed limit. In its special report on 1.5°C, the IPCC showed that it is necessary, feasible and desirable to get on a Paris Agreement compatible pathway, and how much emissions would have to be reduced in the next decades. Based on this knowledge, it is critical that the next round of NDCs, to be submitted by 2020, show transformational levels ambition to keep the window to 1.5°C open. This event, organised jointly by the Government of Antigua and Barbuda and Climate Analytics, will look at what is necessary to move towards 1.5°C compatible NDCs by 2020, and discuss some of the challenges and solutions for developing countries in this process.
DOWNLOAD PRESENTATIONS: Bill Hare, Climate Analytics / Genevieve Renaud-Byrne, Antigua & Barbuda
Monday 2 December, 18:30 – 20:00, at the EU Pavilion, Helsinki Room
“Net-zero policies, emission targets & and adaptation risks in light of the newest climate model results”
Early results from the latest generation of models from the Sixth Coupled Model Intercomparison Project (CMIP6) show higher warming over the 21st century compared to the previous generation of models, which form the basis of the analysis in last year’s IPCC special report on 1.5°C.This event will outline their significance for rates of temperature change over coming decades, and the consequences for decision making and discuss how policymakers and practitioners should interpret the new model results in terms of climate risks, adaptation plans and the mitigating actions needed to meet global temperature goals.
Speakers and panellists include: Piers Forster, University of Leeds; Maisa Rojas Corradi, University of Chile; Paul Desanker, United Nations Climate Change Secretariat; Adelle Thomas, University of the Bahamas.
Leo Hickman, Carbon Brief (moderator)
Tuesday 3 December, 13:15-14:45, Room 3
“Bridging the Fossil Fuel Production Gap: a key opportunity for enhanced ambition”
A new Fossil Fuel Production Gap Report highlights the discrepancy between plans for coal, oil, and gas production and levels consistent with Paris goals and provides a resource for closing this gap. A panel will explore findings, policy opportunities, and leadership in winding down production. This event will explore the findings of the new Production Gap Report, and the policy opportunities for winding down fossil fuel production.
Climate Analytics experts: Michiel Schaeffer
Wednesday December 4, 14.00-14.30, COP25 Press briefing room
Press briefing: Is the world ready for large-scale CO2 removal?
More than 70 nations have committed to net zero emissions by 2050 or earlier, but is society fully aware of what that entails? The IPCC says achieving this requires not only big emissions cuts, but also removing carbon dioxide from the atmosphere at a scale that has never been tried before. At this press conference, Carnegie Climate Governance Initiative (C2G) and leading experts will argue for more urgency in global discussions to plug the governance gaps in CO2 removal.
Climate Analytics experts: Claire Fyson
Wednesday 4 December, 14:00 – 16:00, EU Pavilion
Meet the expert session
At this session, Climate Analytics experts will present a variety of climate tools, including the online climate impacts portal ISIpedia, the Climate Action Tracker, the Lowdown on Coal, and tools developed to support climate adaptation practitioners, such as RegioClim, RegioCrop, Adaptation Map and Local Sea Level Rise.
Climate Analytics experts: Inga Menke & others
Wednesday 4 December, 16:45 – 18:15, Room 5
“The Global Carbon Budget 2019”
This event, organised by the Global Carbon Project and the H2020 CONSTRAIN project will present the latest global carbon budget figures and the remaining carbon budget and look in depth at what this means for the Paris Agreement.
Climate Analytics experts: Paola Yanguas Parra (panel)
Friday 6 December, 18:30 – 20:00, EU Pavilion, Room Helsinki
“Achieving net zero: Opportunities to close the gap to 1.5°C in Europe and beyond”
The need for governments to scale up climate action is clear. Current NDCs put the world far off track from pursing efforts to limit warming to 1.5°C. Global CO2 emissions must reach net zero by 2050. This side event presents the latest research by the Climate Action Tracker, including case studies on how countries can develop Paris compatible policies, enhanced NDCs, and LTS, and a new framework to assess climate governance. The event will also explore how carbon pricing instruments can be designed to become progressive policies that protect the vulnerable and tackle inequality, with effects beyond emissions reductions. Experiences from carbon pricing frontrunner countries and the Eastern European region as well as new research yield new lessons for policy-makers.
Climate Analytics experts: Claire Stockwell
Saturday 7 December, 12:00 – 13:00, NDC Partnerships Pavilion
“Thinking Outside the Barrel: Exploring the co-benefits of Renewable Energy in Developing States”
This event hosted by Antigua and Barbuda will look at examples from a number of Caribbean Small Island Developing States and discuss the co-benefits of implementing renewable energy projects in developing nations, including barriers to implementation, strategies for social and gender inclusion, obtaining multi-sector buy-in, physical limitations of space and energy distribution infrastructure, access to financing, building local capacity for installation and technology development, just transition of the workforce, etc.
Climate Analytics experts: Bill Hare, Laetitia De Marez
Tuesday, 10 December, 11:00 – 11:30
Climate Action Tracker press conference
The Climate Action Tracker’s regular update on how climate action is progressing against the Paris Agreement goals. Open to all COP participants
Climate Analytics experts: Bill Hare
Tuesday, 10 December, Capacity-Building Hub, 15:45-17:15
“Next-level NDCs: raising ambition with the NDC Partnership’s Climate Action Enhancement Package”
This side-event hosted by the NDC Partnership will focus on country plans for enhancing their NDCs with the support of the recently launched Climate Action Enhancement Package (CAEP). This event will share what we have learned from CAEP thus far, what support countries are requesting for their NDC enhancement efforts, and specific insights from countries andimplementing partners leading innovative efforts to increase ambition. During the event, participants will have the opportunity to hear from the Partnership’s Support Unit on the program’s progress; from developing countries planning NDCenhancement; from implementing partners supporting these actions; and from other partners ready to align support with CAEP requests.
Climate Analytics experts: Laetitia De Marez
Thursday 12 December, 16:45 – 18:15, Room 6
“Building momentum: Accelerating ambition towards 1.5°C”
This event, organised jointly by Greenpeace and Climate Analytics, brings together speakers from the climate movement, including youth from the climate strike movement, researchers and government representatives to show the relationship between science, the growth of the climate movement, its impact on politics and the latest scientific facts on how much more it is left to do to reach Paris Agreement goals.
Climate Analytics experts: Bill Hare, Paola Yanguas Parra