All that we can save: new science on climate impacts we can avoid by reducing our emissions

3 Jul 2024
15:00 - 16:00

In this webinar, scientists from the Horizon Europe funded PROVIDE project will present new findings on future impacts of climate change we could avoid by reducing our emissions today.


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Climate impacts are hitting hard around the world, as communities are struggling to cope with the intensity of flooding, fires and heat. Choices that we make now and emissions that we can avoid, will have a big impact in the decades to come

In this webinar, scientists from the Horizon Europe funded PROVIDE project will present new findings on future impacts of climate change we could avoid by reducing our emissions today. There will be a particular focus on heat extremes, species loss, glacier loss and hits to labour productivity. They will be joined by experts from relevant fields to discuss the findings, followed by a Q&A.


  • Ayesha Tandon, Science Journalist, Carbon Brief


  • Dr Carl-Friedrich Schleussner, PROVIDE project lead
  • Dr Quentin Lejeune, Senior Scientist, Climate Analytics
  • Dr Mariam Saleh Khan, Research Scientist, Weather and Climate Services
  • Pam Pearson, Director, International Cryosphere Climate Initiative
  • David Carlin, Taskforce for climate-related financial disclosures programme lead, UNEP-FI