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Your search for 'africa' has returned 155 results:

ISIpedia: the open climate-impacts encyclopedia

Implementing science-based climate policies requires communication and collaboration between various actors in the interdisciplinary climate field. The ISIpedia project is one of the growing number of efforts addressing this challenge by involving decision makers and practitioners in developing a tool that is meant to benefit them — a user-friendly information portal of climate change impacts.


COVID-19 will disrupt global food supply and prices, severely affecting atolls with limited land.
As the economic impacts of COVID-19 on Pacific Small Island Developing States stretch into 2020, there is a real risk that longer-term strategic action on climate change will take a back seat, and countries struggling to keep up with rising tides risk losing further ground.


Solar panels on a farm in Rwanda. ©Water for Food, CC BY-NC 2.0
The coronavirus pandemic adds yet another shock to the multiple challenges that more than a billion people living in the Least Developed Countries (LDCs) already face in day-to-day life. It is much more than a health crisis. It has the potential to create devastating health, social, economic and environmental crises that will leave a deep, long-lasting mark. However, it is an opportunity to adopt and implement sustainable solutions during the recovery process, also for LDCs, without losing sight of the climate crisis.


Comment l'Afrique de l'Ouest peut étendre son approvisionnement en électricité et atteindre ses objectifs climatiques
Il n'y a pas si longtemps, alors que le développement des énergies solaire et éolienne était encore fortement débattu, les critiques soulignaient les limites de ces sources d'énergie : le soleil ne brille pas toujours, le vent ne souffle pas toujours. Aujourd'hui cependant, les réseaux électriques de nombreux pays sont fortement alimentés par des énergies renouvelables.
