
Ahead of COP26, Australia ranked among worst in G20 on climate action
October 2021
Bill Hare, CEO of Climate Analytics is quoted again commenting on Australia's federal government climate action plan: they have set no policies that will reduce emissions in any sector and continue to support fossil fuel, recently approving four new coal mines“Instead, we see continued support for fossil fuels – it recently approved four new coal mines and is subsidising new gas developments.”
Nations nowhere close to halting ‘catastrophic’ climate change
October 2021
Claire Fyson, team leader for mitigation pathway analysis at CA explained how developed countries should rapidly step up their climate finance, as well as stating that current emissions-cutting pledges and net-zero commitments put the world on a trajectory to 2.4C of warming by the end of the century.
Eco-feminists are tackling climate change head on
October 2021
Marina Andrijevic, research analyst at CA is cited in this article which features a vast network of female activists who are fighting to protect natural resources in a bit to also protect their own rights. Marina discusses climate climate change has a direct impact on women, "not because there is something inherently more vulnerable about women, but because of entrenched social structures that put them at a disadvantage in the face of disasters”.
1.5C is the climate goal, but how do we get there?
October 2021
Matthew Gidden, team lead for mitigation pathways at CA comments on how coal-fired power plants need to be eliminated in two decades as they account for approximately 40 percent of the total electricity today.
International climate pledges may be on the right track—maybe
October 2021
The Climate Action Tracker is referenced in this article portraying how 131 countries re discussing, announcing or implementing net-zero targets. The report mentions that if targets are fully implemented, these would cut 72 percent of global emissions.