Media coverage
Our report on Australian political parties' climate goals is once again featured to show the inadequacy of the Labor Party's emissions reductions target.
At the Bonn Climate Change Conference in June, LDCs will demand stronger commitments to limit warming to 1.5 degrees, easier access to financial resources, and additional means to address loss and damage. Our Manjeet Dhakal speaks about how G20 nations have dragged their feet on these issues.
CEO Bill Hare speaks of the adequacy of the Labor Party's climate goals. A strengthening of emissions reduction targets is needed as the climate goals are still not compatible with limiting warming to 1.5 degrees.
Our report on Australia's 2030 emissions is featured in this piece about the Labor Party's plans for cutting emissions.
Mail Online
Australia's energy consumption is dominated by fossil fuels, with coal providing about 40 percent, oil 34 percent and gas 22 percent. Our CEO Bill Hare and the Climate Action Tracker are referenced to point out the inadequacy of fossil fuel phase-out in the Labor Party's climate policy.
CEO Bill Hare discusses policy challenges and options for the Labor Party to cut reliance on fossil fuels and move toward renewable energy with CNN.
In this article from Die Zeit, CA Regional Climate Scientist Fahad Saeed, based in Islamabad, is interviewed on the consequences of climate change and extreme heat in the South Asia region. Article in German.
Our research on Labor emissions reduction targets is used in this Lexology piece about options for the Labor Government to implement a stronger climate policy than the current goals to achieve net-zero.
Our Claire Fyson writes about the importance of G7 commitment to accelerate decarbonisation and make an energy transition. With current government climate targets heading 2.4 degrees of warming, it is imperative that the G7 countries revise and strengthen their 2030 targets at the upcoming Elmau meeting.