Media coverage
“We find there is a 70% chance that emissions start falling in 2024,” Neil Grant told Vox, “this would make 2023 the year of peak emissions.”
EIN Presswire
"Our research shows that even at the time that the Paris Agreement was signed, climate change was already reducing the average income of Filipino households. It really hammers home that development and climate issues can’t be separated, they have to be addressed hand in hand,” lead author Jessie Schleypen told EIN Newswire.
la Repubblica
G7 economies which "represent 38% of global GDP, are not doing what is necessary despite having both the technology and the financial resources to make the leap in quality", Neil Grant told la Repubblica.
ABC News
"Emission increases in Western Australia are holding back progress Australia-wide", Bill Hare told the ABC. "A bit less than half of this increase [in emissions in WA] was due to energy-related greenhouse gas emissions, and most of the rest due to a reduction in the amount of carbon stored in forest and land."
The New York Times
In “many, many countries now,” renewables are growing faster than electricity demand and displacing fossil fuels from the power sector, Bill Hare told the New York Times. “That has got the most potential in the next five years to get us onto a one and a half degree pathway and anything close to it.”
Business Standard
"These economies, who make up 38 per cent of the world's GDP, are not pulling their weight: they have both the technology and the finance to up their game. Against the backdrop of unprecedented climate extremes exacerbated by the use of fossil fuels, taking ambitious action to decarbonise and setting a deadline to move away from fossil fuels should be the bare minimum," Neil Grant told Business Standard.
Financial Times
Our report in when global greenhouse gas emissions will peak from November last year features heavily in this opinion piece reflecting on what shifts might happen in politics, psychology and even the financing of climate action once emissions do start falling.
Associated Press
Bill Hare told AP News that UN executive climate secretary Simon Stiell was “listening to the science” about how global emissions must be halved by the end of the decade to meet the Paris climate accord’s ambition of capping global temperature increases to 1.5°C.
Business 360 Nepal
Manjeet Dhakal speaks to Business 360 Nepal about the growing role of climate risk analysis in development projects.
Pacific New Service
"The term ‘loss and damage’ may be new to some, but loss and damage is not a new experience for Fiji", we heard in a workshop in Fiji as part of our Building Our Pacific Loss and Damage Response Project led by the Secretariat of the Pacific Regional Environment Programme (SPREP).